Even though I wasn't born here, Aiken feels like home.

Come see for yourself! What are you waiting for?

Monday, May 26, 2008

who you calling old?

Who you calling old? Not me! I certainly don't feel old. When does 'old' happen? I have a feeling it happens overnight. just like the morning I woke up and I was fat. That happend overnight, but it is taking me YEARS to undo it - very slow..but hopefully that means that the weight will stay off! I hope that 'old' doesn't happen that way. Unfortunately we can't undo old when it happens. No yet anyway.
Yes, I have a few more lines on my face, and parts of me are starting to droop a bit (get your mind out of the gutters.....I was talking about my eyelids, lol), but I don't feel old. I have friends that are in their mid 20's - and we really do have a good time when we are together, and I can pretty much keep up with them, lol. I've been a little bit of a loner lately, but that is by choice, it has nothing to do with getting old, lol. My mom couldn't answer my question - she doesn't know when it happened. She just knows that it sucks to get there. More doctor visits, more bathroom visits, less sleep.....the list goes on and on. My parents - and their generation planned for their retirement. A lot of people my age have not. Is it because we don't feel old - and we figure we have plenty of time to save. Well, we don't. It happens before you know it - that's because there are no warnings....you turn around, and you are old. I don't plan on turning around for awhile!

I Love Lucy

what a great show. :) good clean laughs. great for the whole family. seems like such a simpler time of life. they were faced with their share of problems then, too.
each generation has had different events affecting their lives.
war - ends of wars! - depression - inventions - assasinations - music - technological advances - space travel - the internet! - terrorism...... so many things make us who we grew up to be.

Enjoy this Memorial Day. Remember the men and women who sacrificed their lives for our safety and freedom - and the safety and freedom of others. Giving the greatest gift they could give to their country. And a prayer for the men and women presently serving in the Armed Forces to be home with their families, safe and sound, very soon. Thank you God, Amen.

twice the size of central park, nyc

Yes, right here in the center of lil' ole Aiken, SC, pop. @25,000, is Hitchcock Woods. Over 2000 acres - one of the largest urban forests in America. Over 75 miles of walking/riding trails. ONLY HOOF AND FOOT TRAFFIC ALLOWED!! (oh, horse drawn carriages are also permitted) It is so beautiful, that I just don't have the words to describe. Peaceful, serene, beautiful. So many different trees, birds, flowers, animals, plants.....living there. People have been riding their horses and foxhunting on this land for over 100 years, (It didn't become Hitchcock Woods till 1939), and the hunt continues today. Of course they don't use live foxes...the hounds follow a scent trail......the horses follow the hounds..... up hills, through meadows, over fences...... very exciting! You can walk your dog in The Woods, go for a stroll, jog, take a picnic........ Walking (or riding) along Kalmia Trail in late spring is so pretty with all the Kalmia blooming, and there is another trail where you can see Spanish Moss (like the Old South)..and beautiful wildflowers - - every trail is different, but just as beautiful.
All of this natural beauty and history right here in the middle of our great city!
The Hitchcock Woods are not funded by The City - but depends on private support.
If you want to learn more about The Hitchcock Woods... you could visit: www.hitchcockwoods.org
Check it out on Google Earth! It is pretty cool. Look at Central Park.... then look at The Hitchcock Woods.
As far as real estate goes....The Hitchcock Woods is like our ocean.....and the property surrounding it is prime beach front property!! LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION!! And ohhh - the homes that Aiken's Winter Colony built are absolutely AMAZING! but that will be a different blog!

curb appeal....get them in the door!

That's right - you heard me, lol. The way I look at it, everytime a buyer picks a house to look at , it's like setting up a blind date! You want your house to make the best possible first impression, so that maybe there will be a second date...and who knows! The buyer will either like you - or not. Just like in the dating world. I joined one of those online dating sites, and you would not believe some of the things I've seen. Like this one guy, what a great smile!, got my attention, haha.....and then when I click on it to see the larger pic....behind him - through the doorway, is the MESSIEST kitchen I have ever seen. Double sink full of dirty dishes, dirty window over the sink, overflowing ashtray, the counter space that I could see what full to the hilt as well with dirty dishes, assorted trash.... UGH. Now, he probably looked at the picture, and only saw himself and that great smile.

How to Give Your House Curb Appeal
Getting buyers through the front door is often the first hurdle in selling your home. If potential buyers don't like what they see outside, they may never walk inside. How your house looks from the outside can often mean the difference between a house sitting for months or selling in a few weeks. According to Scott Griffith, president of ERA Griffith Realty in Brighton, MI, "With more homes competing for your eye, the home with curb appeal has the advantage."
And with an increasing number of homebuyers using the Internet to shop for a new home, a good first impression - the view of your house from the street - is key. According to 2001 figures from the National Association of REALTORS®, over 40% of all homebuyers use the Internet to shop for a new home. "People shopping on the Internet give it one look. If they don't like what they see, that's it," says Dan Lee, vice president of First Weber Group Inc. in Madison, Wisconsin.
Here are a few tips to improve the curb appeal of your home:
• Examine the big picture - Recognize that people are not going to look at your house the same way you will. After you've lived with fading trim or a shutter that hangs crooked for a year or two, you may not even see it anymore. Ask your REALTOR® or close friend to look at the front of your house with a fresh set of eyes. Ask if they would be interested in the home if they didn't know you? If not, what are their turn-offs?
• Do the obvious - Keep the lawn mowed and gutters clear. Trim brushes, get rid of any dead branches and fix anything that's hanging or broken. Keep working outdoor lights on in the evening.
• Fit into the community - Keep your audience in mind as you show your house. For example, if there are many kids in the neighborhood, it is okay to have a bike in the yard. Not so if your neighborhood is mostly retirees
• Use flowers - If you have the room, place two traditional large planters on either side of the front door or walkway. Fill them with overflowing flowers in the spring or summer and evergreens in the winter. This creates a focal point for homebuyers, forcing them to focus on one area rather than the whole house at once.
• Make your home inviting - Consider hanging a colorful flag out front or put a seasonal wreath on the door. It sends the message to potential homebuyers that they are welcome and "to come on in."
• Apply pressure - If the exterior needs a brighter look, consider getting it pressure washed. This is a great way to clean trim or walkways and give them a clean, white look.
• Invest in landscaping - If you have just a little money to spend, consider landscaping. If you have a small yard, plant it with flowers and greenery. If you don't have a lot of time or a green thumb, create one or two informal garden areas in the front yard, such as a birdbath. A quick way to create the look of a manicured yard is to put some fresh mulch or bedding materials around plants in the yard and use a hoe to make the bedding edges sharp.

Source: Dratch, Dana. "8 Tricks to Give Your House Curb Appeal." 1 July 2003. http://www.bankrate.com/brm/news/real-estate/curb-appeala1.asp
Source: AARP.org. "Get Moving: Using A Moving Company." http://www.aarp.org/consumerprotect/Articles/a2002-10-03-WiseConsumerMovingCompanies.html.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Sharing: home energy efficiency checklist


Check your heat and A/C systems.
Check windows and outside doors for drafts. (important in the warmer months, too)


Check furnace switch, fuse and breakers.
Check furnace blowers, oiling motor and changing belt if necessary.
Check thermostat accuracy by taping thermometer to wall next to it. if discrepancy, have serviceman re-calibrate unit.
Check central air condensing unit for obstructing leaves and debris, and hose out if necessary.
Keep shrubs pruned back to maximize airflow.
Check room A/C condensate drain outlet for plugging.


Check and clean/change room A/C filters.
Check room A/C condenser coils and intake vents for obstructions.
Check furnace filter and change if clogged


Check insulation for type/thickness, beginning in attic/top floor. Upgrade if inadequate.
During humid weather, check central A/C condensate drain to ensure it is carrying off excessive moisture.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

the lost and wounded, you moron

I attended the Memorial Day Parade earlier this afternoon. It was a very nice parade, a lot of different troups marching or on floats. I have alot of respect for our servicemen. So many lost their lives. So many lost some physical and/or mental abilities. So many were chastised for what they did ---when they were just doing what their government was asking them to do. I say Thank You. To all servicemen. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. THere was a young father next to me with his little boy. Like all little boys, this one was asking alot of questions. The father was half-ass answering them. Then the sheriffs dept bloodhounds came by. The child asked what the hounds did. The father said they found bad guys. The child said 'oh'. I spoke up - (sorry, I do that sometimes, can't help it!) - anyway, I mentioned that the hounds also helped to find lost/wounded soldiers in battle and they save lives by finding land mines, etc... The fathers eyes got big because he had never thought of that. Duh, we are at a Memorial Day parade. It's not a parade for bad guys, you ass. It's a parade for our fallen servicemen. hhhhhhhhhffffff. Well, I felt better after I said that. On the walk home, there was an older woman waiting to cross the street at the same time. Of course I started talking, lol. I said how great the parade was, and she said she was just thinking the same thing. We talked for a couple blocks while I walked home, and she walked to where her car was parked. Very nice woman. She gets emotional on Memorial Day just like me. And she said that when she was a little girl, during one of the World Wars (sorry, I forget things sometimes) anyway - her mother used to be one of the people that recorded the planes that flew over. She had to climb up a tower, look through a scope of some sort, and write down the numbers of the plane. Imagine that. I guess that's it. I just wanted to vent about the father and the bloodhounds. It was a lovely parade. So many people came out to show respect and to honor the memory of lost loved ones. Even thought my dad didn't die during service, he was a serviceman, and I always miss him so much more on days like this. I wish everyone a safe and happy Memorial Day. Let's all say a little prayer tonight for World Peace. There are too many guys and girls losing their lives. These are moms, dads, brothers, sisters, teachers, neighbors, cousins, aunts & uncles, nieces & nephews....the list goes on. Let them all come home safely and let us never have to worry about it happening again.
Thanks for listening. Where's my tissues?????

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

What the heck are they saying?

Maybe you have seen the commercial..... kids texting on their cell phones w/grandma...and the mom didn't know what 'LOL' meant... For some of us this commercial is absolutely hilarious, yet for others it is not funny at all.
Many people didn't start using the computer until after they retired. Maybe their children bought them a computer so they could keep in touch..blah blah blah.
What great kids!! They teach the folks how to turn it on and off, how to send email letters, how to search for everything from chicken pot pie recipes to taking care of the new hydrangea bush. They show how to play the games and music. They warn about the dangers of the internet, lots and lots of warnings. Don't do this, don't do that...blah, blah, blah. One thing they usually DON'T do is tell them what the heck people are saying! Soooooo - for the newbies to the internet and all this chat / email / blog stuff etc....here is a list of common symbols, etc...you are sure to see from time to time.
(if anyone wants to add any to the list - that is great. post it in your comment - thanks)

:) = this is a smiley face. Yes it is! Look at it sideways.... See!
:( = this is a sad face. you have to look at this sideways, too - do u see it?)
:D = big gigantic huge smile!
:P = smiley with his tongue sticking out at you, lol.
lol = laugh out loud
ttyl = talk to you later
lmao = laughing my ass off
rotflmao = rolling on the floor laughing my ass off
ty = thank you
yw = your welcome
brb = be right back
k = okay
sup = what's up?
cul8r = see you later
ur = your / you're
im = instant messenger
r = are
u = you

this should be enough to get you by!
have a great day :)

What we want!

Ideal Living Magazine Survey Reveals What Baby Boomers Want in Retirement
More than 1,000 of Ideal Living Magazine's (formerly Living Southern Style) 330,000 readers answered a 35-question survey, via mail-in and on-line, about what they're looking for in retirement. 77% of respondents are between 45 and 65 years old. Included in this release are statistics based on 8 of the 35 posed questions.

Wilmington, NC (PRWEB) May 7, 2008 -- More than 1,000 of Ideal Living Magazine's (formerly Living Southern Style Magazine) 330,000 readers answered a 35-question survey, via mail-in and on-line, about what they're looking for in retirement. Respondents, 77% are between 45 and 65 years old, report…

- 91.5% are interested in purchasing real estate
- 63.2% are interested in learning more about "green" products
- 94% say being close to a major medical center is important
- 86.3% report walking as their recreational activity of choice
- 77.9% look forward to travel in retirement
- Only 5.7% belong to social networking websites
- 91.5% get their news from television
- 46.2% Say they plan on working past retirement

Be on the lookout for our summer issue featuring:

- More Reader Survey Results
- The Top 100 Amenity Communities
- Ideal Destinations: Wilmington NC
- 21 Tips to Live "Green"
- And so much more!

Ideal Living Magazine (www.ideal-living.com) is the leading provider of information for people seeking second home, resort and retirement communities in the southeastern United States. Under it's parent company, RPI Media, Ideal Living Magazine connects planned communities with prospective buyers through publications, real estate shows, and websites. Ideal Living Magazine provides comprehensive resources for finding and comparing; golf, gated, waterfront, mountain, retirement, condominium and multi-family communities, including but not limited to press releases, direct mail, e-mail correspondence and monthly newsletters.

My Aiken

Here is a little glimpse into the beautiful city that I call home. Aiken, South Carolina.

Empty Nest?

The children are grown and out on their own. Now what? If you think you are ready to downsize - check out this article. Alot of great points made.
Flying the Empty Nest: Strategies for Downsizing

Are your children living on their own, married, or off to college? Have you
decided to replace your family home with a smaller residence? Whether you want
to focus on other priorities, or build the cottage or beach house you’ve always
dreamed of, or simply no longer wanting to spend energy maintaining a large
home, consider the following strategies for downsizing your home:

Decide Where To Go
Think and map out what you want to do next:

• If schools have always prioritized where you have lived, now think about
other criteria important to you, such as rural living or closer proximity to
recreational pursuits.
• Consider laying the groundwork for a retirement lifestyle. Your new home
could also be the one you retire in.
• With fewer living expenses, you may have more expendable income and
find that you can increase the luxury or convenience of your lifestyle.
• Determine how much space you actually need. Examine your current
home and subtract the square footage of rooms you don’t need anymore.
Add in the measurement of new spaces you might want, such as a
workshop or sunroom.

Sort Through Your Stuff
• Where do you begin if your current home is packed full with a generation’s
worth of accumulation?
• If you have grown children’s belongings in the house, next time they are
home, have them sort their things into four piles: what they’ll take right
now, what they need you to hold for them, what they want to give away,
what can be tossed.
• Go through the rest and determine future needs. Some possession might
be family-sized, such as camping gear. Do you foresee future activities of
a similar nature? Other possessions might be house-oriented. For
example, if you’re moving to a townhouse, you can sell the lawn mower
and weed whacker.
• Keep memorabilia and other sentimental keepsakes in the family while
getting them out of your house. Give your grown children the arts, crafts,
projects, trophies, and holiday decorations they had as kids. They may
appreciate having them as they start creating their own family traditions.


Now please don't make any rash decisions. Please take your time and think things through.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


I came across this article in my SRES materials, and wanted to share it with EVERYONE. Even though it is a month old, I feel that it is still very important!

Don't get 'Fooled" by Home Improvement Scams

RISMEDIA, March 27, 2008-”April Fool’s!” Many people have heard that oh-so-familiar saying when someone plays a joke on them in celebration of the comical holiday. However, this April - and actually this entire spring season - Mr. Handyman, warns local homeowners not to get “fooled” by handyman scam artists when hiring professionals to do home improvements.
“The spring is a peak time when home improvement scam artists take advantage of homeowners. We want to show residents how they can identify a scam when they see one!” said Todd Recknagel, president of the Ann Arbor, Michigan-based Mr. Handyman International. “Doing background checks and making sure you trust a person before you sign a contract or hire them to do work in your home is imperative. And, we want to relay that message to individuals looking to get work done around their home this year.”
According to a recent article on MSN.com, the following phrases are some things to look out for when hiring a professional to do a job in your home:
“I just happen to be working in your neighborhood”“I have materials left over”“I need cash upfront”“I have a special offer that’s good for you today, only”“I can help you finance the project”“I want to use your home as a model”
According to Recknagel, these could all be signs of dishonesty. Scam artists know that during the winter season, many homeowners do a walk-through inspection of their home and began a list of special projects that they need done. And, those projects that have been put off for months are usually executed in the spring, Recknagel said.
Please share this blog with your friends, family and associates. I don't want to see ANYONE get scammed.