Even though I wasn't born here, Aiken feels like home.

Come see for yourself! What are you waiting for?

Monday, May 26, 2008

who you calling old?

Who you calling old? Not me! I certainly don't feel old. When does 'old' happen? I have a feeling it happens overnight. just like the morning I woke up and I was fat. That happend overnight, but it is taking me YEARS to undo it - very slow..but hopefully that means that the weight will stay off! I hope that 'old' doesn't happen that way. Unfortunately we can't undo old when it happens. No yet anyway.
Yes, I have a few more lines on my face, and parts of me are starting to droop a bit (get your mind out of the gutters.....I was talking about my eyelids, lol), but I don't feel old. I have friends that are in their mid 20's - and we really do have a good time when we are together, and I can pretty much keep up with them, lol. I've been a little bit of a loner lately, but that is by choice, it has nothing to do with getting old, lol. My mom couldn't answer my question - she doesn't know when it happened. She just knows that it sucks to get there. More doctor visits, more bathroom visits, less sleep.....the list goes on and on. My parents - and their generation planned for their retirement. A lot of people my age have not. Is it because we don't feel old - and we figure we have plenty of time to save. Well, we don't. It happens before you know it - that's because there are no warnings....you turn around, and you are old. I don't plan on turning around for awhile!

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