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Saturday, May 24, 2008

the lost and wounded, you moron

I attended the Memorial Day Parade earlier this afternoon. It was a very nice parade, a lot of different troups marching or on floats. I have alot of respect for our servicemen. So many lost their lives. So many lost some physical and/or mental abilities. So many were chastised for what they did ---when they were just doing what their government was asking them to do. I say Thank You. To all servicemen. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. THere was a young father next to me with his little boy. Like all little boys, this one was asking alot of questions. The father was half-ass answering them. Then the sheriffs dept bloodhounds came by. The child asked what the hounds did. The father said they found bad guys. The child said 'oh'. I spoke up - (sorry, I do that sometimes, can't help it!) - anyway, I mentioned that the hounds also helped to find lost/wounded soldiers in battle and they save lives by finding land mines, etc... The fathers eyes got big because he had never thought of that. Duh, we are at a Memorial Day parade. It's not a parade for bad guys, you ass. It's a parade for our fallen servicemen. hhhhhhhhhffffff. Well, I felt better after I said that. On the walk home, there was an older woman waiting to cross the street at the same time. Of course I started talking, lol. I said how great the parade was, and she said she was just thinking the same thing. We talked for a couple blocks while I walked home, and she walked to where her car was parked. Very nice woman. She gets emotional on Memorial Day just like me. And she said that when she was a little girl, during one of the World Wars (sorry, I forget things sometimes) anyway - her mother used to be one of the people that recorded the planes that flew over. She had to climb up a tower, look through a scope of some sort, and write down the numbers of the plane. Imagine that. I guess that's it. I just wanted to vent about the father and the bloodhounds. It was a lovely parade. So many people came out to show respect and to honor the memory of lost loved ones. Even thought my dad didn't die during service, he was a serviceman, and I always miss him so much more on days like this. I wish everyone a safe and happy Memorial Day. Let's all say a little prayer tonight for World Peace. There are too many guys and girls losing their lives. These are moms, dads, brothers, sisters, teachers, neighbors, cousins, aunts & uncles, nieces & nephews....the list goes on. Let them all come home safely and let us never have to worry about it happening again.
Thanks for listening. Where's my tissues?????

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