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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

What the heck are they saying?

Maybe you have seen the commercial..... kids texting on their cell phones w/grandma...and the mom didn't know what 'LOL' meant... For some of us this commercial is absolutely hilarious, yet for others it is not funny at all.
Many people didn't start using the computer until after they retired. Maybe their children bought them a computer so they could keep in touch..blah blah blah.
What great kids!! They teach the folks how to turn it on and off, how to send email letters, how to search for everything from chicken pot pie recipes to taking care of the new hydrangea bush. They show how to play the games and music. They warn about the dangers of the internet, lots and lots of warnings. Don't do this, don't do that...blah, blah, blah. One thing they usually DON'T do is tell them what the heck people are saying! Soooooo - for the newbies to the internet and all this chat / email / blog stuff etc....here is a list of common symbols, etc...you are sure to see from time to time.
(if anyone wants to add any to the list - that is great. post it in your comment - thanks)

:) = this is a smiley face. Yes it is! Look at it sideways.... See!
:( = this is a sad face. you have to look at this sideways, too - do u see it?)
:D = big gigantic huge smile!
:P = smiley with his tongue sticking out at you, lol.
lol = laugh out loud
ttyl = talk to you later
lmao = laughing my ass off
rotflmao = rolling on the floor laughing my ass off
ty = thank you
yw = your welcome
brb = be right back
k = okay
sup = what's up?
cul8r = see you later
ur = your / you're
im = instant messenger
r = are
u = you

this should be enough to get you by!
have a great day :)

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