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Sunday, May 25, 2008

Sharing: home energy efficiency checklist


Check your heat and A/C systems.
Check windows and outside doors for drafts. (important in the warmer months, too)


Check furnace switch, fuse and breakers.
Check furnace blowers, oiling motor and changing belt if necessary.
Check thermostat accuracy by taping thermometer to wall next to it. if discrepancy, have serviceman re-calibrate unit.
Check central air condensing unit for obstructing leaves and debris, and hose out if necessary.
Keep shrubs pruned back to maximize airflow.
Check room A/C condensate drain outlet for plugging.


Check and clean/change room A/C filters.
Check room A/C condenser coils and intake vents for obstructions.
Check furnace filter and change if clogged


Check insulation for type/thickness, beginning in attic/top floor. Upgrade if inadequate.
During humid weather, check central A/C condensate drain to ensure it is carrying off excessive moisture.

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