Even though I wasn't born here, Aiken feels like home.

Come see for yourself! What are you waiting for?

Friday, June 20, 2008

only in Aiken :)

To give y'all a feel for my little city. I'm sitting in my living room and I hear the clip-clop of horses hooves on the pavement. Yes, I knew it would be a horse-drawn carriage, but I still rush to the window every time I hear them.
Well, it was the cutest thing. It was a carriage - a small one, the lady driver and her two pups along for the ride :) .....and..... there was a younger boy hitching a ride on the back of the carriage, and his horse was walking along behind them (on a lead, of course, lol). I wish I could have gotten a picture.
I hear the clip-clop all the time - I live in the historic part of our city and very close to the Hitchcock Woods. Check out an earlier blog of mine. It's called "more than twice the size of Central Park" (if I knew how to put that little link here, I would) You can hire a carriage and ride thru the woods, or downtown.
Now, it's NOT overrun with carriages.
Just enough to maintain the charm that is Aiken.
The place I call home.

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