Even though I wasn't born here, Aiken feels like home.

Come see for yourself! What are you waiting for?

Thursday, June 26, 2008

How to be a real estate statistic - the GOOD kind!!

I was reading a recent blog posted by one of my associates. It has great information.
It will be worth the time, believe me!
Check it out:


Friday, June 20, 2008

there's nothing special about it, really :)

It's just a simple little macaroni salad, that's all. I don't know why everyone raves about it, lol. I don't really have a 'recipe' - it is one of those things that you just kinda throw together. So here is how I make it. But first, I really have to give a shout out to my blog buddy, Valerie! I really haven't done much baking or cooking over the past year. It is just not much fun to bake for one. Reading her recipes got to me. I began to realize how much I truly missed mixing something up in the kitchen. Thanks Valerie. So, I made an arrangement with my neighbors that I will be bringing them goodies, etc.. from the kitchen on occasion - - with one piece missing, lol.
Anyway, back to the macaroni salad.
Cook some elbow macaroni. (you know how to cook pasta)
after it's cooked - drain and rinse with cool water.
put the drained macaroni in a bowl - and add: chopped onion / chopped celery / chopped green pepper / a few tablespoons of light mayo / a can of tuna fish - drained...... and just mix it all up. Should be more on the DRY side. Not real wet with mayo like on some of those salad bars. If you are going to a party....slice up a couple of hard boiled eggs and put them on top of the salad..sprinke w/paprika. cover with saran wrap and chill for at least an hour before serving.

enjoy :)

only in Aiken :)

To give y'all a feel for my little city. I'm sitting in my living room and I hear the clip-clop of horses hooves on the pavement. Yes, I knew it would be a horse-drawn carriage, but I still rush to the window every time I hear them.
Well, it was the cutest thing. It was a carriage - a small one, the lady driver and her two pups along for the ride :) .....and..... there was a younger boy hitching a ride on the back of the carriage, and his horse was walking along behind them (on a lead, of course, lol). I wish I could have gotten a picture.
I hear the clip-clop all the time - I live in the historic part of our city and very close to the Hitchcock Woods. Check out an earlier blog of mine. It's called "more than twice the size of Central Park" (if I knew how to put that little link here, I would) You can hire a carriage and ride thru the woods, or downtown.
Now, it's NOT overrun with carriages.
Just enough to maintain the charm that is Aiken.
The place I call home.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

first impression

Homeowners - you know the importance of a good first impression! You are out in the yard every weekend, weeding the garden, mowing the lawn, trimming the bushes/trees/shrubs. You have put a fresh coat of paint on the fence and mailbox, cleaned up the oil stains in the driveway.... You are doing a great job!! Looking from the street - your house has great curb appeal.

Sometimes we see something so many times everyday that we don't really 'see' it anymore. Have you looked at the front door lately? I mean really looked at it? Does it need a fresh coat of paint, or maybe a good scrubbing? Are there cobwebs or bees nests up in the corner? What about that little crack in the window? Your potential buyers are using this door - - - - - be sure it looks just as good as the rest of the property :)

And while you are at it - might as well check the back door, too.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

little johnny is at it again!

Little Johnny and Little Lisa are only 10 years old, but they know that they are in love. One day they decide that they want to get married, so Johnny goes to Lisa's father to ask for his blessing.

Johnny bravely walks up to him and says "Mr. Jones, me and Lisa are in love and I want to ask you for your blessing.

"Thinking that this was the cutest thing, Mr. Jones replies, "Well Johnny, you're only 10. Where will you two live?

"Without even taking a moment to think about it, Johnny replies "In Lisa's room. It's bigger than mine and we can both fit there nicely.

"Still thinking this is just cute, Mr. Jones says, "Okay then how will you live? You're not old enough to get a job. How will you afford food and rent?

"Again, Johnny instantly replies, "With our allowance. Lisa gets 5 bucks a week and I get 10 bucks a week. That's about 60 bucks a month, and that should do us just fine.

"By this time Mr. Jones is realizing that Johnny has put much thought into this. So, he thinks for a moment trying to come up with something that Johnny won't have an answer to.

He then says, "Well Johnny, it seems like you've got everything all figured out. I just have one more question for you. What will you do if the two of you should kids of your own?"

Johnny shrugs his shoulders and says "We've been lucky so far..."

Sunday, June 1, 2008

They'll try anything...


After reading an associates blog about a recent mail theft incident, I thought I would post a list of prevention tips. These tips are provided by The City of Orinda, CA - but apply to everyone! Thank you City of Orinda, CA Police Department.

Tips to Prevent Theft from Residential Mailboxes and Collection Boxes

-DO NOT leave outgoing mail in your unlocked mailbox.
-DO deposit mail in a blue collection box or inside at your local post office. Use a collection box that is NOT FULL.
-Make sure your mailbox is in good condition. Mailboxes in poor condition often expose mail to theft and bad weather. Your local postmaster can advise you on current postal regulations and steps you can take to improve the condition of your mailbox.
-Promptly pick up your "Incoming" mail once it is delivered to your mailbox.
-Get together with neighbors and the Postal Service and arrange for the neighborhood delivery. These group mailboxes are known as Neighborhood Delivery and Collection Box Units (NDCBU). With an NDCBU mailbox, each address has an individual locked unit for delivery and collection. (Note; A minimum of seven neighbors are needed to sign a petition requesting a NDCBU.
-Purchase a locked mailbox or convert your unlocked box to a lockable type.
(Look in the telephone directory yellow pages or on the internet under "Mail Boxes" for some informational leads). On your locked box, make sure the mail slot is large enough and safe enough for the letter carrier to insert your mail. (Note: The mail carrier cannot pick up mail from this type of unit.)
-Arrange to have you mail delivered to a Post Office Box for a small fee.
-Consider having regular income checks deposited electronically right into your bank account via Direct Deposit. It's easy and in most cases, it's free! Contact your bank for details.

To avoid fraudulent use of your checking account in the event your mail is stolen (from your mailbox, from a blue collection box, from a postal vehicle or from your letter carrier), utilize the following suggestions when writing checks to pay your bills:
-Write out in full the payee and memo portions. Fill up the entire lines with letters or a squiggly line.
-Use thick, dark ink (red ink is best) to write your checks. Opt for roller-ball pens. Avoid felt-tip ones. -Purchase checks through institutions that use tamper-resistant paper and ink.
-Never send cash or coins through the mail. Always send a check or money order instead.
-Promptly report non-receipt of expected credit cards, checks, and other valuable mail to the senders.
-Immediately notify the post office and mailers if you change your address. If you are going on vacation, notify the post office, or have a trusted friend or neighbor pick up your mail promptly after delivery.
-Join a Neighborhood Watch Program Call your local Police Department/ Public Safety Department. Remember, if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.
-Be observant of activities on your street, including those near your letter carrier, his or her postal vehicle, residential mailboxes and collection boxes.
-IMMEDIATELY report any suspicious persons or activity by calling 9-1-1 while suspects are still present. Remember; do not jeopardize your safety, but BE A GOOD WITNESS!
-The Postal Service pays rewards for information leading to the arrest and conviction of mail thieves. Report suspect or crime information to Postal Inspectors, 877-876-2455.
-Destroy anything with your name, address or other identifying information on it before discarding, especially credit card and home loan applications. Junk mail to you is a gold mine to a thief. They often use those discarded applications to open fraudulent credit accounts in names of unsuspecting victims.

Great tips - The US Postal Service has this to say:
U.S. Postal Inspectors:Protecting you from fraud.

Did you know...?
Every year American consumers lose billions of dollars to fraud. Today's popular schemes range from simple work-at-home scams to credit card and investment fraud; from identity fraud to Internet scams; from medical "cures" to fraudulent prizes, sweep-stakes and foreign lotteries.
You or any member of your family can become a victim of a fraud scheme. Fraudsters may approach you by e-mail, phone or the U.S. Mail.

Protect yourself and your family by following these tips:
-Check out offers before making a decision.
-Get all information in writing.
-Don't give personal information to people or companies you don't know.
-Older Americans are particularly vulnerable to scams.
-If you respond to even one of these "offers," your name will be added to a "mooch" list-and you'll be targeted again.
-Protect your parents or older relatives by sharing these tips with them. "

Thanks again to USPostal Service,and The City of Orinda CA Police Department. THis is great info to share with family, friends, neighbors, clients, customers, associates....everyone.