Even though I wasn't born here, Aiken feels like home.

Come see for yourself! What are you waiting for?

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Update on my garden!

For those of you keeping an eye on my garden..... I have strawberry!! Yes, singular, haha -it's the first one to grow- hopefully soon to be plural, since I see many many flowers and buds! My plans for this little berry are to enjoy it this evening, sliced on top of my salad...with lettuce and carrots from my garden :) If you love to grow things, Aiken is perfect!

Take a look!

Thanks for stopping by - come back again! give me a call if I can be of any assistance with your Aiken area property search.


I wasn't born here but Aiken feels like home.
Come see for yourself! What are you waiting for?!!

Give us a call when you're ready to call Aiken home, too!

Carolina Real Estate Company

Charles Blackburn, BIC

333 Park Avenue SW - Aiken SC. 29801.

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