Even though I wasn't born here, Aiken feels like home.

Come see for yourself! What are you waiting for?

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Nobody is perfect!

Nobody is perfect, everyone makes mistakes.  No need to berate and yell at someone for an honest mistake they made. especially after they have apologized twice for the mistake, and said they would correct it immediately.  All it does is show what an idiot you are -  before you throw stones, make sure you're not in a glass house buddy! (you are far from perfect yourself!)  Baby it's hot outside --  will try to give this dude the benefit of the doubt and blame the heat, but I have a feeling this is their normal temperament, lol --   so glad I don't have to deal with them ever....and I feel sorry for anyone who has to deal with them, or any other rude people.   Life is too short - chill out, relax, take a breath, and smile.Peace out! :)

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