Even though I wasn't born here, Aiken feels like home.

Come see for yourself! What are you waiting for?

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Garden time! A bunny in the carrots!

My garden is planted, yaay! Here's what I've got going this year: green beans (of course!! - nothing better than fresh picked!!), roma tomatoes, eggplant, watermelon, green onions, red onions, lettuce, strawberries, parsley, basil, oregano and carrots!

Speaking of carrots...here's one of my containers - complete with baby bunny, lol. For me, container gardening is the way to go - give it a try!

What are you growing in your garden?

Thanks for stopping by - come back again! give me a call if I can be of any assistance with your Aiken area property search.


I wasn't born here but Aiken feels like home. Come see for yourself! What are you waiting for?!!

Give us a call when you're ready to call Aiken home, too!

Carolina Real Estate Company
Charles Blackburn, BIC
333 Park Avenue SW - Aiken SC. 29801.

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