Even though I wasn't born here, Aiken feels like home.

Come see for yourself! What are you waiting for?

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Meet The Wishaphants - helping the world to be free of bullies

A high school classmate of mine is involved in this awesome project - The Wishaphants .

These are charactors to help children deal with real life issues such as bullying, grief, good health and nutrition,etc... It takes a village! Come be part of that village. We need to start with the children, the world has enough bullies - we don't need any more. The children are OUR future!! Let's help create a bully free world. It can be done - The Wishaphants can help it to happen. I believe!!

Photo used with permission of The Wishaphant Team!

Here's a link to learn more and learn how you can help: 

and a direct link to their website:         http://www.wishaphants.com/

Please share this - the children need our help. Too many are being bullied - we need to stop it. Bullying hurts at any age - it comes in all different forms -and all shapes and sizes. We want our children to be happy, not sad.




I wasn't born here but Aiken feels like home. Come see for yourself! What are you waiting for?!!

Give us a call when you're ready to call Aiken home, too!

Carolina Real Estate Company

Charles Blackburn, BIC
333 Park Avenue SW - Aiken SC. 29801.



-when you call, be sure to let me know you saw my blog! thanks :)

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