Even though I wasn't born here, Aiken feels like home.

Come see for yourself! What are you waiting for?

Saturday, July 5, 2008

we welcomed the rain to the party!

Good Morning. I hope everyone had a safe 4th of July.

I was at a get together yesterday afternoon when the skies opened up. Everyone was as happy as could be that it was finally raining. Yes, finally! This part of the county has had very little rainfall. I wish Mother Nature would 'even up' the rainfall a little bit. Some areas get so much they flood - and others get so little that things just burn up. But that is another story.
It was finally raining...at least here on Sarah's farm (and the people from down the road were hoping it was raining at their house, too!)

It did not 'dampen' any spirits at all...in fact, just the opposite.

Why was everyone so happy to have the rain?

Well,....... these are horsepeople...

and they need the rain ...

... to grow the hay

... to feed the horses!

Oh, and the horses were enjoying the rain, too - they were running around all excited in their paddocks. Playing in the rain like children :)
Besides the rain, it was a great time. I've only known the hosts a short time and was happy to be included! They have alot of friends, and Jane Page has the property listed for sale. I met some new people. There were about 6 Realtors there - - - like I said - these are horsepeople - -- and there are alot of Realtors in Aiken that ride :) It is nice to get together outside of the offices like this. We really do have a good time. This is an annual event, and I'm looking forward to next year!
Thanks, Sarah and Barry, for a great afternoon/evening :) I had fun!

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